
Personal information

Before we start therapy I’ll ask you for your name, address, date of birth, GP details & relevant medical information, mobile telephone number and email address.

Your personal information will be kept securely at my private practice. Your first name, email address and phone number will also be shared with my clinical supervisor, so that you can be contacted in case, for example, I’m unwell and can’t let you know. At the end of therapy I’ll keep your name and address on file for seven years. All other personal information will be securely disposed of.

None of your personal information is stored on this website, which is built with WordPress. To learn more about its privacy policy, click here.

Your artwork

While we’re working together I’ll keep your artwork in a folder stored at my private practice. At the end of therapy you can take your artwork away or alternatively I will dispose of it securely.

Sometimes I take photographs of your artwork to use as part of my clinical supervision. These photographs are stored securely while in use, and then securely deleted when no longer needed for supervision.